Rivka is a freelance Equity Stage Manager, loosely based in the Minneapolis area. Her previous adventures have taken her to wonderful theatres such as Commmonweal Theatre in MN, American Players Theatre in WI, Dayton Opera in OH, and Lucie Stern Theatre in CA. Rivka always enjoyed theatre, and found her home backstage in high school. After attempting other paths she kept finding herself in the theatrical realm. Eventually, she surrendered and emerged from the University of Vermont with a B.A. in Theatre (Stage Management) and a minor in Business Administration. Rivka can usually be found in a theatre, curled up in a coffee shop with a book, or watching a baseball game.
The main focus of this website is to be a professional resource, but it also became a useful place to store information that I wanted to be able to refer back to. Mostly How Tos (and some travel info). I never update it as much as I want to, and mostly only I look at it, but I’m still glad I have it!
In 2021 I started a collection of “How-Tos” that are useful to me. This is intended as a way for me to note things for myself that I found useful tools for SM/ASMing (mostly in excel – there’s so much you can do, and always more to learn!). It’s a personal tool, but since I found it so helpful, I thought I’d put it online in case it can help others. After all, Stage Management is all about stealing borrowing and learning from other people’s skills and paperwork.